Friday 2 March 2012

Keshas Studded Head


A 'Stud' could be summed up as a badass who everyone thinks is cool. Kesha has taken this to a completely new level ..... (See Below Photo)

Kesha has literally STUDDED her head! Ofcoarse not just anybody would get their head have to meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a complete and total whore
  2. Write hit songs
  3. Be one crazy arse bitch
  4. Use glitter to solve all problems in life
It is obvious that Kesha meets all of the criteria. For those of you who are still wanting to get their head studded , I have kindly compiled a list of ...uses the studs could have in day to day life.

  1. Protection from being bottled over the head
  2. Beating Steak (or other meat...) against your head to tenderise it
  3. Itching your body
  4. Match your dog's studded collar
As you can see they are extremely...useful.
They are absolutely ridiculous and look like a cyborg from mars has tagged you as their sex object.Enough said.

Happy looking like idiots 

check out my new site where I teach you to be a youtuber!


Anonymous said...

how to make an ugly chick look even worse..... glue gold shit to her head!

Jade Kingston said...

HAHA this is when i wish there was a like button for comments ;)

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