Sunday, 4 March 2012

Kardashian QuickTrim Lawsuit


The Kardashians have finally been exposed of who they really are : A bunch of frauds who promote random products to support their expensive lifestyle.

The "Tell Tail Three"have been promoting the product "QuickTrim" which apparently does not quickly trim anything like the name suggests... oh wait , it does quickly trim through your wallet!

Poor Khloe Kardashian has finally given haters a reason to call her a pig with all the porkies she's been telling lately!

Conniving Kim , on the other hand , has shown the world just how fake she actually is , not that we all couldn't tell already with all that plastic.

Kim Kardashian tweets: "Our QuickTrim cleanse will be massive! Khloe has already lost so much weight."

Im sorry but which celebrity blatantly lies to her millions of followers! so rude.

Anyways girls , you don't need diet pills to keep you beauty... You have plastic surgery for all those matters, which also describes your personalities.

ps: Have fun paying your five million 

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Friday, 2 March 2012

Is Snooki Pregnant?


What have you got in the oven Snooki? You can't fool us ... We know theres only ONE thing you can make.

I am going to make this post short and sweet ... just like snooki's thinking process.

There is No possible way that Snooki would ever be pregnant. You may be wondering "how do you know that ?". Well guys the answer is so simple. Even if she was pregnant , there is a 99.9% chance that the baby would die due to alcohol poisoning.

This is probably best for Snooki. Giving birth to a baby is extremely painful... But this chick uses so much fake tan that she would be giving birth to a pumpkin.

Try that for a comparison.

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Keshas Studded Head


A 'Stud' could be summed up as a badass who everyone thinks is cool. Kesha has taken this to a completely new level ..... (See Below Photo)

Kesha has literally STUDDED her head! Ofcoarse not just anybody would get their head have to meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a complete and total whore
  2. Write hit songs
  3. Be one crazy arse bitch
  4. Use glitter to solve all problems in life
It is obvious that Kesha meets all of the criteria. For those of you who are still wanting to get their head studded , I have kindly compiled a list of ...uses the studs could have in day to day life.

  1. Protection from being bottled over the head
  2. Beating Steak (or other meat...) against your head to tenderise it
  3. Itching your body
  4. Match your dog's studded collar
As you can see they are extremely...useful.
They are absolutely ridiculous and look like a cyborg from mars has tagged you as their sex object.Enough said.

Happy looking like idiots 

check out my new site where I teach you to be a youtuber!

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